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At Home Independent Genre Study: A Reading Voyage

Laura Sarsten

Fantasy, sci-fi, dystopian, memoir, realistic fiction, graphic novels, comic strips, cookbooks…. the types of texts are endless! During the school year, readers certainly experience many different genres, but perhaps this unexpected time at home opens the door to explore a new genre they are curious about.

At a time when learners are truly steering their own ship, as thousands of students embark on their first distance learning experiences, we can rely on what elevates engagement most, providing plenty of choice!

Below is a calendar illustrating different types of experiences that readers can participate in while they dig into a genre that interests them most. These ideas mirror what might be done in the classroom, but provide flexibility for students to cycle through the work at their own pace.

When readers embark on their own voyages into various texts they are opened to a world of possibility. Another gift in the process is gaining a new appreciation for the work authors do. Many readers are now navigating their own reading life at home, so this is a chance for them to look inward and further refine their reading identities!

In an upcoming blog, I will be sharing another 2-week calendar that can be utilized for writing. Using all that readers now know and admire about the genre, writers will publish and create texts of their own! Stay tuned!

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