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At Home Independent Genre Study: A Writing Voyage

Laura Sarsten

Writing is a personalized and vulnerable act. Without a doubt, it takes bravery and courage to put words on paper that will be shared with others, however, by engaging in this process we feel the joy and fulfillment it brings. While students are engaging in home learning experiences, it leaves personalized space for them to look closely at their own writing identities, interests and passions. During the school year, writers have the privilege of writing all sorts of types of texts, but perhaps there is another genre that peeks their curiosity and motivates them. When we think of text types we can also broaden our perspective about what “text type” truly means. We can invite learners to study directions to board games, admire the visual appeal of cookbooks, and analyze the characteristics of magazines or newspapers.

In my previous blog, At Home Independent Genre: A Reading Voyage I shared a 2-week calendar which provided suggestions for readers to go on a quest and tackle a new genre of their choice. In this post, readers can bring the momentum and excitement that was built during their reading journey into their own independent writing experience. Knowing that currently writers are at home, perhaps without all of their writing tools, it is essential that some time be spent on curating tools for nurturing a writing life in their new spaces. The calendar begins with that important step in mind, and then carries writers through a process that fuels independence, ownership, reflection and maintains a celebratory spirit!

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